Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
The book was published on 24th august 2012! This page and the chapter pages below will be used to collect feedback and answer any questions you as a reader might have.
The book has 13 chapters as descibed below. If you think I missed a chapter, or would like to make other general comments please comment on this page.
The book can be ordered from Packt Publishing
In the book i use some fictive HR data. Here you can download the SampleSQLData script required to generate the SQL database.
1. The Story in this book
Will give you an overview of the environment and the example company I will use in the book.
2. Overview of FIM 2010 R2
Architectural overview of FIM 2010 R2 and all of it’s components
3. Installation
Discussing different ways of separating FIM R2 Server roles to different servers. Prerequisites and Installation guides for all components.
4. Basic Configuration
Common configuration like the FIM Service Management Agent is described.
5. User Management
How to configure FIM to manage provisioning, management and de-provisioning of users.
6. Group Management
How to configure FIM to manage provisioning, management and de-provisioning of groups.
7. Self-Service Password Reset
How to configure FIM for the Self-Service Password Reset feature.
8. Using FIM to manage Office365 and other Cloud Identities
Discusses how FIM will fit into the puzzle when a company starts to use cloud services like Office365. This chapter will also cover the role FIM might play when managing federated identities.
9. Reporting
How to configure Reporting in FIM 2010 R2.
10. FIM Portal Customization
How to customize the UI of the FIM portal.
11. Customizing Data transformations
Discusses different ways of customizing data using for example SSIS or custom workflow activities. Will also discuss how to combine classic and declarative synchronization.
12. Issuing Smart Cards
How to configure FIM Certificate Management to be able to issue Smart Cards.
13. Troubleshooting
How to troubleshoot typical errors and how to do backup and recovery of FIM 2010 R2.
Will you be descbring synchronization of users from AD to FIM (“Initial load”) in the section “User Management”? Maby that”s coverd in “management”:) I think it also would be an good idéa to write about SQL server best practises for FIM.
Initial load will definitly be covered since that is one of the news in R2 (better performance for large loads). I am also planning to have some dsicussions on using SQL features like SSIS and built-in delta management in SQL.
Will FIM R2 transaction history and system center reporting capabilities be covered in the book? Behold tools overview? Attestation?
R2 Reporting will be covered but I was not able to get any BHold information in the Book.
Will the book cover the integration of MS CMS with FIM?
Sorry, but no.
I am wondering from where I can buy the printed form in Stockholm?
Or only way to order online?
The easy way is to order online at some of the distributors. If you attend my FIM 2010 R2 training at Labcenter (http://www.labcenter.se) in Stockholm you will also get a printed copy.
Hi Kent,
Purchased the book, and i really like it.
Any chance you could make the HR DB used in the scenario available? either as a .sql script or other. Or even if you could suggest a HR DB that i can work along with.
I have done so now. On http://konab.com/fim-2010-r2-book/ i have added a link to the http://konab.com/wp-content/uploads/SampleSQLData.zip
Wow. you are brilliant. Thank you!
Hi kent,
I have recently ordered your book (Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
) through PackT Publishing about 20 days ago, they have not delivered the bbook so far. and I am still waiting. PackT claim that they normally deliover the book in 5 to 7 days in Australia.
To make matters worse, when i email the customer care, they dont even respond to my emails at all to a point that I think that this is a SCAM.
This is first and last time I order a book through PACKT publishing.
Any way are you able to persuade these people to respond to customer queries and deliver the book that I have paid for please.
Thank you
Hi Elias,
I”m truly sorry to hear about your problem. Usually Packt delivers without any problem. I have not heard of any delays like the one you describe.
I will use my channel to push some buttons to see if I can speed things up for you.
I do hope you enjoy the book even after the delivery trouble.
Even, I have also faced the same problem. I got my soft copy after 7 Days.
Delay may be due to the payment method like CREDIT CARD etc.
Also packetpub response is worst. They don””””t reply any email. However I received reply from packetpub after 1 months saying that we have sent you the ebook.
How useful/applicable is your book if I want to read me up on MIM 2016 – I cannot watch videos or surf the Microsoft pages, nor have they a proper print or download of documents, just installs by Next, Next. I want to read me into the subject before start installing servers (that I know how to do). Or what other literature do you recommend?
Everything in my FIM 2010 R2 book is still applicable to MIM. What’s missing is the “new” stuff in MIM like PAM and the new CM modern app client. I still use the book as student material when I deliver training on MIM.
Hi Kent,
Your FIM 2010 book is great, thanks for that. Is there going to be a MIM 2016 book any time soon?
Glad you like it! The publisher (Packt) did ask me 6 months before the MIM 2016 release if I wanted to write un updated version. I couldn’t however find the time to do it. But instead David Steadman and Jeff Ingalls took on the task and published the MIM 2016 Handbook in July 2016. You can find it here https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/microsoft-identity-manager-2016-handbook